
Contact the station at 250 – 377 – 3988, email radio@thex.ca, or drop by House 8 (behind the Campus Activity Centre at TRU) to pick up an application form or just to find out more about becoming a volunteer at the X!


If you are interested in us and in what we do, then we are certainly interested in you! We are always looking for new volunteers with new ideas and energy to spare, and who are prepared to make the commitment of doing a show or an office job on a regular and consistent basis. (The phrase “regular and consistent” also means that the station keeps operating over holidays, long weekends and summer breaks.) The station welcomes both campus and community members. If you’d like to join us as an active volunteer, on-air or off, the process is actually quite simple.

1) Fill out our application form

This includes a brief written show or position proposal that clearly indicates what you’d like to do, when you’d like to do it and how we can contact you. (E-mail addresses are especially important!) We’ll check out the paperwork, then call you as soon as we can for a face-to-face.

2) Station Tour

Once we’ve covered the mundane (but crucial) stuff like house and CRTC rules, and chatted about show content, you will have a chance to tour the station and try out the equipment. We will provide all the training you need in order to do a show or to perform any other work at CFBX. The gear may seem a little strange at first, but this is not rocket science! There are some serious responsibilities that go along with an airshift, but this is fun! Whether you want to host an acid-classical show, learn how to produce commercials or do some databasing, this is the place for you!

3) Show Mandate

Once we – and you – are satisfied with the learning curve and feel you are ready to be unleashed upon an unsuspecting public, you are a full-fledged volunteer with a licence to thrill. Depending upon the number of volunteers we have in process, you may or may not be able to start programming right away. You could start pretty quickly, you could begin on a fill-in basis or you may have to sit tight for a bit – it all depends upon the number of volunteers we have at any given time and also the kind of show you might want to do. Regardless of what happens, you are a member of the “family”, and we want you to get, and stay, involved as much as you can.